학술지 논문

개화기 조선의 근대화와 관련된 조선과 일본의 인적 및 지식교류 연구현황 분석

  • 저자
  • 논문지명
    『동북아 문화연구』59
  • 게재연도



As for historical records left in the process of exchange and conflict with Japan in the process of modernization, the prior study was analyzed in two areas: civilization and modernization of Joseon based on Japanese-made Chinese characters, and human, knowledge and cultural exchanges. In the case of extracting Japanese kanji, it is necessary to distinguish them based on the related specialized dictionaries and to analyze historical data. so it is required to analyze the background of the Japanese new language related to the history of science and civilization. Based on these perspectives, potential topics for future analysis are the following. Reevaluate the formation and conflicts of literary network in relation to the influx of New Chinese Characters in Japan and knowledge sharing based on overall analyses of missionary reports and travel logs. 1) Reevaluate the thoughts of authors on knowledge sharing through missionaries and literary network with people in Japan from Kisoo Kim’s 『日東記遊』, Hunyoung Lee’s 『日槎集略』, Younghyo Park’s 『使和記略』, and Daeyang Park’s 『東槎漫』. 2) In terms of missionary reports, the analysis of the Joseon Dynasty and Japan's position and intention based on Japanese diplomatic documents 3) Analyze characteristics of New Chinese Characters in Japan as appeared in knowledge sharing based on books written by students studying in Japan and newspapers after the opening of trade. 4) Cross-referencing and analysis of words by indirect exchange, such as the books and newspapers, and the results of direct exchange will be somewhat different, meaning that the authors will study abroad and stay for a long period of time. 5) As for 1) and 2) above, analyze characteristics of New Chinese Characters in Japan as appeared in the excerpts from books and newspapers written by missionaries to Japan and students studying in Japan to identify their origin as to whether they are based on Western languages from Chinese classics translated by Japanese or independently created by Japanese.

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